The Week’s Tweets
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
- @pulsewidth A dronelab! in reply to pulsewidth 07:51:28, 2012-12-19
- Under an inch of dry snow. That's the most moisture we've had in months. 07:53:34, 2012-12-19
- 2012 RECAP # 15: David Nemeth "Next Year Geometry" released on 12:20:10, 2012-12-19
- 2012 RECAP # 16: C. Reider "One of the Drone Boys" On Linear Obsessional #netlabel #ccmusic #dronelife 12:30:17, 2012-12-19
- @snooksarmy I'm sure there are auditions, you should try out. in reply to snooksarmy 17:54:50, 2012-12-19
- RT @BrewCrewJess: Performance Notes* – a piano reduction with exemplary use of the English language. #composers 18:19:46, 2012-12-19
- Many people place lower value on music when it is freely given. 19:28:25, 2012-12-19
- @Schemawound Believe me, I know. I gave up asking for money long ago because it wasn't getting bought. in reply to Schemawound 19:35:04, 2012-12-19
- Re last tweet: How many end of year lists have even a single free release, even one? 19:36:56, 2012-12-19
- My upcoming end-of-year favorites list is exclusively free music. 19:38:50, 2012-12-19
- Since no one else will write about free music, this unfairly weighs my opinion. I am king taste-maker, I guess. 19:39:47, 2012-12-19
- @Gurdonark There should have been attribution given. in reply to Gurdonark 20:25:52, 2012-12-19
- @Gurdonark I wonder if there's a better way to educate people about how to attribute. Giving credit is of utmost importance. in reply to Gurdonark 20:40:59, 2012-12-19
- @Gurdonark You're an order of magnitude better than me, since i don't make them at all! in reply to Gurdonark 20:45:31, 2012-12-19
- RT @DenverArtMuseum: RT @iknowdenver: Awesome picture of a snow day in #Denver — in 1913! (via @HistoryColorado) 21:14:27, 2012-12-19
- New Marlo Eggplant on Ilse: 21:53:11, 2012-12-19
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Bruce Hamilton (32), Katharina Wolpe (20) & PBK (15) 22:27:53, 2012-12-19
- @PitcherOfSummer Life changing is not the point of music, is it? in reply to PitcherOfSummer 08:06:35, 2012-12-20
- 2012 RECAP #17: David Nemeth "Backyard Improvisations" on Vuzh Music #ccmusic #netlabels 12:15:15, 2012-12-20
- 2012 RECAP #18: Phillip Wilkerson "A brief Compendium of Silence" Dystimbria Netlabel #noiselife #ccmusic #dronelife 12:25:17, 2012-12-20
- 2012 RECAP #19: Alex Charles "Drum" on Vuzh Music #ccmusic #drumlife #dronelife 12:35:14, 2012-12-20
- @tobiasreber Fun. Doesn't work in Firefox though. in reply to tobiasreber 17:52:17, 2012-12-20
- @PitcherOfSummer Touché. in reply to PitcherOfSummer 18:21:52, 2012-12-20
- @cinchel @kirstiecat Aw that's cute. You're playing the straight man. #budabbott in reply to cinchel 19:29:54, 2012-12-20
- Tomorrow: last day of work until January 2. 23:13:53, 2012-12-20
- RT @fwonk: Top 10 Netaudio Releases of 2012: Part 1 07:49:33, 2012-12-21
- RT @fwonk: Top 10 Netaudio Releases of 2012: Part 2 07:49:38, 2012-12-21
- @DaveSeidel Guess that means it's time to start believing in God. in reply to DaveSeidel 07:52:44, 2012-12-21
- @DaveSeidel Cast off the shackles of secular humanism and embrace… Him. in reply to DaveSeidel 07:58:38, 2012-12-21
- @DaveSeidel Bloop! in reply to DaveSeidel 18:41:56, 2012-12-21
- @jshell Because it's in every field. in reply to jshell 18:44:03, 2012-12-21
- RT @maddow: The NRA has rickrolled the whole country into watching just another standard Wayne LaPierre stump speech saying we need more … 18:44:57, 2012-12-21
- RT @michaelianblack: Oh cool, George Zimmerman is going to be protecting my kids in school. 18:50:55, 2012-12-21
- RT @mrdankelly: The only thing that can stop tsunamis is more water! 18:52:52, 2012-12-21
- RT @DeleuzeGuattari: Every milieu is coded, a code being defined by periodic repetition. LOL WTF! 18:57:15, 2012-12-21
- The wifey and I are officially vacationing now. 18:58:16, 2012-12-21
- Drinkin' absinthe, listening to Atom ™, like a snobbbbb. 18:58:42, 2012-12-21
- @jshell Only if you think of "us" as the materialist, capitalist bullshit society. The best days are ahead of _us_. in reply to jshell 19:02:42, 2012-12-21
- RT @JC_Christian: If prisoners had guns, prison violence would end 19:10:46, 2012-12-21
- RT @disquiet: An amazing year. The Disquiet Junto (@djunto) on @SoundCloud has hit 1,600 tracks & 700 comments: 19:13:01, 2012-12-21
- Our plan for this vacation is to not get the worst flu of our entire lives like we did last year. 19:22:21, 2012-12-21
- @_stretts You're darn tootin'! in reply to _stretts 19:23:13, 2012-12-21
- @sklawlor Not enough money to travel, but we'll be visiting area museums, like the major Van Gogh exhibit at @DenverArtMuseum in reply to sklawlor 19:37:23, 2012-12-21
- @sklawlor Sounds like a fun time! in reply to sklawlor 19:46:28, 2012-12-21
- @cinchel Hey, that looks like fun! in reply to cinchel 20:13:57, 2012-12-21
- @cinchel Try this for fun: in reply to cinchel 20:24:57, 2012-12-21
- @c_a_harebell 20:29:14, 2012-12-21
- Playing around with a new idea-wave synthesis Look at this cool spectrum analysis of something I just generated. 21:09:48, 2012-12-21
- @JulianSiniestro Well, that result was definitely harmonically rich! I discarded that file though! in reply to JulianSiniestro 21:22:04, 2012-12-21
- @JulianSiniestro I'm afraid it's already long gone! in reply to JulianSiniestro 21:34:06, 2012-12-21
- @JulianSiniestro The sound wasn't what I was looking for. in reply to JulianSiniestro 21:34:57, 2012-12-21
- @JulianSiniestro Wait, it looks like I didn't actually throw it out! NOW, I'll throw it out! 🙂 in reply to JulianSiniestro 21:39:52, 2012-12-21
- @JulianSiniestro You'll need to find a place to upload it. If you don't have a server, you have to use a service like Dropbox or Yousendit in reply to JulianSiniestro 22:23:32, 2012-12-21
- RT @MMFlint: PS. U didn't hear it from me but I could swear there's a pirated version of #BowlingForColumbine on Youtube! … 22:38:27, 2012-12-21
- NO. 22:38:51, 2012-12-21
- @c_a_harebell 22:44:32, 2012-12-21
- RT @WFMU: Kraftwerk's 12-Yr Lawsuit Over 2-Second Sample Comes To A Bizarre End, with Drummer Banging on Metal in Court: … 10:13:07, 2012-12-22
- appropriation and transformation is not a crime 10:14:18, 2012-12-22
- The Field Museum faces a real threat: 10:44:04, 2012-12-22
- @Steve_Hamann I think false attribution is unethical, but transformative work is ethical. in reply to Steve_Hamann 11:09:25, 2012-12-22
- I'm guessing the X-TG Desertshore LP version doesn't come with download. 12:30:10, 2012-12-22
- @_Eeem_ I love those sounds. I've always wanted to hear the breakup of river ice… our rivers are too small/close to headwaters. in reply to _Eeem_ 14:05:01, 2012-12-22
- I might finish up my end-of-year blog post this weekend, don't know if I'll publish it right away. 14:07:04, 2012-12-22
- @disquiet Really? Crap, it worked for me both weeks. in reply to disquiet 14:38:09, 2012-12-22
- @thedarklobster We plan on going next week. Was it a madhouse with too many people? in reply to thedarklobster 15:34:58, 2012-12-22
- @BrewCrewJess @djunto It may be to how you relate to time. I have a hard time with time! Although you're a drummer so you have no excuse. in reply to BrewCrewJess 17:10:37, 2012-12-22
- @alexbotten Oh shit, you just scooped me. I'm planning to start work on something with ultra high & ultra low freqs. in reply to alexbotten 17:11:44, 2012-12-22
- Just a little more formatting and this big blog post is done. Formatting sucks. 17:34:26, 2012-12-22
- @pavoninae You're doing a secret country-pop record? in reply to pavoninae 10:09:59, 2012-12-23
- @WhatTheFFacts @lilianechlela Cool, let's all try it! in reply to lilianechlela 10:11:39, 2012-12-23
- RT @ubuweb: A collection of futurist composer Luigi Russolo's noise-generating Intonarumori & noise orchestras, 1913-21 [MP3]: http: … 10:12:01, 2012-12-23
- @jinjurly Ha. I think we're on the same schedule / same mindset today. in reply to jinjurly 10:19:37, 2012-12-23
- RT @jinjurly: unsurpriseface. RT @lisang Really troubling NYT piece on hard work NOT paying off due to class / economic barriers http:// … 10:22:03, 2012-12-23
- @jmmy_kppl Cooooool Thanks. I'll add it to the pdf pile. in reply to jmmy_kppl 10:25:12, 2012-12-23
- RT @jmmy_kppl: @vuzhmusic highly Recommended :: 10:25:44, 2012-12-23
- One of these days I need to read all of these pdf books sitting on my hard drive. 10:28:16, 2012-12-23
- RT @TheTweetOfGod: "The way to prevent more poisonings is to give everyone poison." – The National Poison Association. 11:24:57, 2012-12-23
- @lilianechlela Consider the dilemma of studios in the era of monophonic AM radio. in reply to lilianechlela 11:46:18, 2012-12-23
- Optimized for shitty earbuds. 11:47:08, 2012-12-23
- @mrdankelly Little voodoo dolls! Quick get the pins! in reply to mrdankelly 12:14:17, 2012-12-23
- @jinjurly Pro audio is the white cube of sound. in reply to jinjurly 13:00:49, 2012-12-23
- @JulianSiniestro Finally catching up. Pretty cool stuff you're doing. Have you got yourself a SoundCloud account? in reply to JulianSiniestro 14:55:25, 2012-12-23
- @JulianSiniestro Also, you should get something like this out on a netlabel, like maybe Treetrunk netlabel or Bumpfoot. in reply to JulianSiniestro 15:00:26, 2012-12-23
- I think I've been listening to this run out groove for almost an hour. It keeps changing. 15:43:39, 2012-12-23
- @snooksarmy I used to push my fingers into the upper part of my eye sockets to cause that effect. in reply to snooksarmy 16:07:44, 2012-12-23
- @snooksarmy I don't think either is safe, but you can hold your breath and put your head down below your heart for a while… in reply to snooksarmy 16:26:28, 2012-12-23
- Looking for a mac vst plugin for sibilance. Yes, I'm working on a track with vocals. 17:06:39, 2012-12-23
- In the tape days I used to squash sibilance with an EQ sidechain trigger for compressor. 17:09:43, 2012-12-23
- @DaveSeidel An obvious linear progression. in reply to DaveSeidel 19:38:15, 2012-12-23
- RT @MothersAgainst1: @PitcherOfSummer No 19:38:30, 2012-12-23
- RT @MothersAgainst1: Your "happy holidays" is a bullshit lie. 19:39:04, 2012-12-23
- @MothersAgainst1 Aw, don't curse. in reply to MothersAgainst1 19:53:30, 2012-12-23
- RT @liminallistener: 3D printed 33rpm record from mp3 files: prints at 11kHz 5-6bit. Uses Processing open source co … 22:54:58, 2012-12-23
- treetops glisten and children listen to hear 23:12:12, 2012-12-23
- What the actual fuck. “@MMFlint: Gunman shoots 4 firefighters, 2 dead, arriving to put out a house fire in Webster, NY” 09:20:09, 2012-12-24
- Today wifey & I will go buy cheese at the fancy cheese place, play Lego Batman 2 and maybe see that Hobbit movie. 11:37:09, 2012-12-24
- @c_a_harebell … if it weren't for fuckin' nobama. in reply to c_a_harebell 12:11:20, 2012-12-24
- @jinjurly There are gifts, but it's not overtly Christmas. Probably is, I think Gilliam has a Christmas fetish. in reply to jinjurly 12:12:31, 2012-12-24
- @baselbaselbasel I try to avoid 3D if possible. in reply to baselbaselbasel 12:25:22, 2012-12-24
- RT @BoingBoing: BREAKING: Britain launches White House petition to force America to keep Piers Morgan 17:38:13, 2012-12-24
- @BrewCrewJess Lucky bowling hat. in reply to BrewCrewJess 17:38:49, 2012-12-24
- Someone write a script to block notifications from my Twitter feed, please. 17:39:59, 2012-12-24
- @BrewCrewJess We haven't been bowling for a long time. The bowling alleys nearby look really scummy. in reply to BrewCrewJess 17:41:08, 2012-12-24
- @keithfwhitman Are you using the original retroverb or the lancet? in reply to keithfwhitman 17:43:04, 2012-12-24
- Do people voluntarily make's or do they just self-propagate? 20:23:59, 2012-12-24
- 5 of 5 stars to Audio Culture by Christoph Cox 12:06:43, 2012-12-25
- End of year netlabel review will probably publish tomorrow. 30 releases reviewed, WordPress tells me it's 3000 words. 12:11:23, 2012-12-25
- @sklawlor Yeah. I have been doing a year-end review of my fave netlabel things for a few years now. in reply to sklawlor 14:10:05, 2012-12-25
- @sklawlor Here was last year's post in reply to sklawlor 14:10:57, 2012-12-25
- Don't want to shovel snow because of the pretty wing prints. 14:27:26, 2012-12-25
- @Schemawound There's a few good tools in the Amadeus editor, presumably also in the free editor Audacity in reply to Schemawound 23:55:26, 2012-12-25
- @Schemawound Does a low-pass filter not do the trick? What kind of noise is it? in reply to Schemawound 23:57:54, 2012-12-25
- Two dorks. 23:59:38, 2012-12-25