Derivative Netlabel
I am pleased to announce the launch of a new netlabel, complete with a new album by C. Reider!
This is a big project with a big goal: to spur artists toward allowing people to sample from their work by use of derivative-friendly Creative Commons licenses.
It’s probably best to let Derivative Netlabel speak for itself, so please visit:
While you’re there, please listen to and/or download the new C. Reider album “the Conjuncts”, an album made almost exclusively from samples of music licensed with derivative-friendly Creative Commons licenses.
The mission of Derivative Netlabel is to release free, new, sample-based music – specifically that which pulls its sources from the vast pool of sound that is licensed so as to permit adaptation or derivative work, (known colloquially in the netlabel community as “derivs”).* This mission is intended to serve as a support for artists and labels currently working with permissive licensing, and to raise awareness of the benefits of allowing work to be freely remixed by anyone.