The Week’s Tweets
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
- @sklawlor I will have to think about that. in reply to sklawlor 06:27:30, 2013-04-10
- Well, the third scheduled tweet failed. I'm not waiting any longer. Announcement of the new netlabel will happen now. 15:59:31, 2013-04-10
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Dome (20), Otomo Yoshihide & Sachiko M (20) & SONOLOGYST (20) 16:00:14, 2013-04-10
- Announcing a new netlabel: First release "the Conjuncts" by C. Reider #ccmusic 16:01:51, 2013-04-10
- Derivative Netlabel – now seeking sample-based works constructed from samples of deriv-allowing CC licensed music. 16:04:42, 2013-04-10
- @Schemawound Perhaps neither. in reply to Schemawound 18:22:57, 2013-04-10
- @DaveSeidel Thanks! I was happy it was available. in reply to DaveSeidel 18:27:00, 2013-04-10
- @emily_lrn @subtide You should think about it some more, derivatives are like food for our culture. I hope to get that essay up soon! in reply to emily_lrn 18:55:53, 2013-04-10
- @emily_lrn With Vuzh Music, I leave it up to the artist to pick their license, but I strongly encourage derivatives. Not everyone concurs. in reply to emily_lrn 18:56:55, 2013-04-10
- @emily_lrn This is why for this netlabel and for I made it mandatory from the outset. in reply to emily_lrn 18:57:32, 2013-04-10
- @Schemawound @emily_lrn @subtide Unfortunately, the one that's going up on my site isn't ready yet. I'm unaware of others. in reply to Schemawound 18:59:46, 2013-04-10
- @emily_lrn @schemawound @subtide I don't feel it's inappropriate to argue for a license as label-manager. It's the artist's right to refuse. in reply to emily_lrn 19:01:45, 2013-04-10
- @Schemawound That's interesting – I haven't looked at the site on a phone. Yes, those are sufficient for the label. in reply to Schemawound 19:03:04, 2013-04-10
- @Schemawound A broader argument is yet to come. in reply to Schemawound 19:03:18, 2013-04-10
- RT @cinchel: this week @feedbacklooplab posted its last but @SubTide and Derivative are heating up! 19:04:52, 2013-04-10
- @Schemawound Thanks! Will fix. in reply to Schemawound 19:06:47, 2013-04-10
- @emily_lrn @schemawound That's too bad. Like I said in my demo policy, if you want no-derivs, you'll have to find another netlabel. in reply to emily_lrn 19:11:45, 2013-04-10
- @emily_lrn Hooray! in reply to emily_lrn 19:11:58, 2013-04-10
- @Schemawound @djunto That's a good example of why ND is so corrosive – half the time the licensee wants remixes. in reply to Schemawound 19:18:14, 2013-04-10
- @Schemawound @djunto I still read "ND" as "You may not remix my stuff – Mine! Mine! Mine!" in reply to Schemawound 19:19:02, 2013-04-10
- "Immaterial Girl" from the Conjuncts contains samples of @BrewCrewJess + Restive, Xesus Valle, & Leon Bettinelli 19:38:34, 2013-04-10
- "Second Nothing" from the Conjuncts features samples from @nofi – he never got to hear this remix. 🙁 19:39:43, 2013-04-10
- "Libertarian Entertainment Automaton" from the Conjuncts samples @hecanjog, @Steve_Hamann and @gurdonark 19:41:18, 2013-04-10
- @djunto @schemawound I find that conflicted licensing is pandemic in netlabels that mirror releases. in reply to djunto 21:10:46, 2013-04-10
- @djunto @schemawound I feel like a certain fearlessness needs to be developed when asking for corrections to license mistakes in reply to djunto 21:15:15, 2013-04-10
- @djunto @schemawound In a way it seems rude, but it's not. I had one guy who sent me a big list of mistakes on Vuzh & I thought it was great in reply to djunto 21:16:03, 2013-04-10
- @Schemawound @djunto Is Three Legs Duck on twitter? Apparently not. I just shot them an email. in reply to Schemawound 21:21:27, 2013-04-10
- @postsilence Do you mean Daniella Cascella? in reply to postsilence 21:25:33, 2013-04-10
- @postsilence Oop never mind, I thought I'd heard the other Daniela give a talk on Beckett, but I think it was someone else at the same event in reply to postsilence 21:26:52, 2013-04-10
- @cloudcitycars I hope so too! in reply to cloudcitycars 21:35:15, 2013-04-10
- RT @cloudcitycars: @vuzhmusic this is radical. my new ep will definitely be cc with derivs. i hope someone will make some weird stuff ou … 21:35:19, 2013-04-10
- RT @emily_lrn: @vuzhmusic I've decided (after reading your mission statement) to open up the label to both and let the artist choose. 21:35:40, 2013-04-10
- RT @JulianSiniestro: C. Rider, The Conjuncts: vía @vuzhmusic ALTAMENTE recomendable, folks! 06:06:21, 2013-04-11
- @JulianSiniestro Thanks for that tweet! 🙂 in reply to JulianSiniestro 06:06:38, 2013-04-11
- @hecanjog Fantastic, I hope you do! in reply to hecanjog 06:07:26, 2013-04-11
- RT @hecanjog: @vuzhmusic Congrats on launching an awesome project. I hope to submit something this year. 🙂 06:07:36, 2013-04-11
- I have a new netlabel and a new release: 06:33:33, 2013-04-11
- RT @Gurdonark: This is the way #netlabel licensing and re-use of samples should be handled: [via @vuzhmusic] #cc … 16:35:51, 2013-04-11
- @Gurdonark Hope you'll consider putting something together for it! in reply to Gurdonark 16:36:08, 2013-04-11
- RT @alextemplemusic: Pretty amazing article about converting 19th-century images of waveforms into audio: 16:37:51, 2013-04-11
- RT @Schemawound: My thoughts on the new netlabel from C. Reider and the importance of derivative works. Please RT. … 16:38:25, 2013-04-11
- @Schemawound Thanks for your thoughts! in reply to Schemawound 16:40:14, 2013-04-11
- @postsilence Yeah, I realized that just after my first tweet. Sorry. in reply to postsilence 17:33:16, 2013-04-11
- @jinjurly Here's a link page that might be of use to podfic people: Netlabels using derivative friendly licenses. 18:23:07, 2013-04-11
- @jinjurly No probs! I'd be pleased if you were to read my mission statement too, when you have free time: in reply to jinjurly 18:49:30, 2013-04-11
- @Gurdonark That'd be awesome. in reply to Gurdonark 19:10:28, 2013-04-11
- @jinjurly Hooray booze! in reply to jinjurly 19:25:23, 2013-04-11
- WTF? “@repcorygardner If u live along train track u hear whistles Why? Feds require it-Im asking Congress 2 reconsider unneeded train noise” 21:02:19, 2013-04-11
- RT @techdirt: New Book On The History Of Music, Copyright And Piracy Shows How Copyright Tends To Hold Back Music 16:09:36, 2013-04-12
- @EarShrimp Listening to Jatun now, it's pretty good, I hope they don't fuck it up! in reply to EarShrimp 16:15:17, 2013-04-12
- @ubuweb @felipsiswoof Yep. This is something I've been telling the netlabel community: in reply to ubuweb 16:25:38, 2013-04-12
- @thedarklobster @repcorygardner Wonder if he consulted with conductors, who worry about hitting cars, if they want less noisy warning sounds in reply to thedarklobster 16:43:14, 2013-04-12
- @Big_Pause Con – gratulations? in reply to Big_Pause 16:44:42, 2013-04-12
- @cparkmusic No way! What a drag. 🙁 in reply to cparkmusic 16:48:05, 2013-04-12
- RT @BrewCrewJess: Honored to have a track sampled on "Immaterial Girl" from The Conjuncts by @vuzhmusic at his new Derivative Netlabel! … 16:48:34, 2013-04-12
- @BrewCrewJess Hurrah! I hope you liked it. I was pretty surprised at how well your vocal worked in that context. in reply to BrewCrewJess 16:49:21, 2013-04-12
- @andrewweathers You should tweet about it. I'd feel less lonely. in reply to andrewweathers 16:50:09, 2013-04-12
- RT @andrewweathers: It's very hard to talk about my anti-capitalist, anti-corporate ideas on Twitter, but they're very important to me. 16:50:17, 2013-04-12
- @jinjurly waffley wink in reply to jinjurly 16:50:46, 2013-04-12
- @mrdankelly Bertoia in the center right of this shot. in reply to mrdankelly 17:27:14, 2013-04-12
- @mrdankelly My favorite sound moments in Chicago was there. Also in Union Station. Okay, Lake Michigan too. in reply to mrdankelly 17:28:44, 2013-04-12
- RT @AlbertBrooks: 100% true. RT @classicshowbiz: @AlbertBrooks shares a childhood memory of Jonathan Winters 17:36:23, 2013-04-12
- @andrewweathers Yeah. But be yourself. We're all silly. Sometimes we look silly, that's because that's what we are. in reply to andrewweathers 17:37:28, 2013-04-12
- @sklawlor @andrewweathers Really? in reply to sklawlor 17:43:32, 2013-04-12
- @andrewweathers Saying "yes" to the world must necessarily encompass sometimes saying "no". in reply to andrewweathers 17:51:05, 2013-04-12
- @BrewCrewJess Perfect. in reply to BrewCrewJess 18:24:44, 2013-04-12
- RT @BrewCrewJess: @vuzhmusic I think it worked really well! My interpretation: 18:24:48, 2013-04-12
- @andrewweathers @hecanjog Barter. in reply to andrewweathers 18:40:10, 2013-04-12
- @BrewCrewJess Yes we are all machines. You are serving as a translator. in reply to BrewCrewJess 18:40:57, 2013-04-12
- @repcorygardner Good to know you & @jaredpolis are working on this together-I still think it's misdirected effort. cc @thedarklobster in reply to repcorygardner 18:44:28, 2013-04-12
- @repcorygardner I live relatively close to the rails. I appreciate the horns, they make crossings safer. @jaredpolis @thedarklobster in reply to repcorygardner 18:46:27, 2013-04-12
- @jinjurly New icon material: Reminds me of you. Not the right nose or ears, but those eyes! 18:48:44, 2013-04-12
- Um. What's wrong with saying @cyndilauper is hot? Nothing? 18:57:44, 2013-04-12
- We skipped the Conference on World Affairs again this year. Mostly because school. Somewhat because uninspiring panel topics. 21:41:34, 2013-04-12
- RT @mystery_bear: Masterful work by C. Reider (@vuzhmusic) et al. on a very interesting new netlabel: 09:35:34, 2013-04-13
- @mystery_bear Thanks Dave! 😀 in reply to mystery_bear 09:35:48, 2013-04-13
- @jessryanCU Thanks for the suggestion! in reply to jessryanCU 09:45:21, 2013-04-13
- @mystery_bear I'd love to see a Mysterybear release on the rosters in the future! in reply to vuzhmusic 09:50:38, 2013-04-13
- @JANietoPangea @modisti Oops. Page not found! Bad link. in reply to JANietoPangea 11:43:35, 2013-04-13
- No wonder I prefer cats. 12:33:00, 2013-04-13
- @djunto @schemawound Jerome from 3LD said the artist specified ND, but he mis-labeled it on the weebly page. (1/2) in reply to djunto 14:07:04, 2013-04-13
- @djunto @schemawound When Junto did that project, he contacted the artist who was cool with it, and changed the license. in reply to djunto 14:08:18, 2013-04-13
- @Schemawound Thanks! in reply to Schemawound 14:11:05, 2013-04-13
- RT @Schemawound: @vuzhmusic I only got one full listen of the new album yet but I think it is a really impressive work that makes your p … 14:18:26, 2013-04-13
- RT @Schemawound: @vuzhmusic None of the artists lost anything by their work being used, but the whole world gained. 14:18:31, 2013-04-13
- C. Reider – The Conjuncts Made from sampling CC licensed sounds. Free download. #ccmusic 14:20:13, 2013-04-13
- Muscle car sounds like several lions scratching around inside a cistern. 16:03:18, 2013-04-13
- I wonder if the ease of music-making has rendered imaginary music as moot. 16:03:39, 2013-04-13
- Muscle car like fireworks in duct. Shabby explosions shimmering, hollow. in reply to vuzhmusic 16:26:17, 2013-04-13
- @AlbertBrooks @eddiemarsattack Yeah, totally. I feel ripped off. in reply to AlbertBrooks 16:27:14, 2013-04-13
- @Nysso Please tell me Araya is named after the singer of Slayer. in reply to Nysso 16:29:52, 2013-04-13
- Maybe writing is a more fulfilling vocation. 16:59:10, 2013-04-13
- RT @t0m3llArd: @vuzhmusic Imaginary music is the pot of gold at the end of the learning curve rainbow. Never will be heard. 17:10:52, 2013-04-13
- Why do you share?: The question that lingers from my sessions with Jennie Kiessling: Why do you share your work?… 17:24:16, 2013-04-13
- "Even the most restless & impatient of listeners will grant unusual attention to the sound of his or her own voice" – Loren Chasse 18:19:12, 2013-04-13
- RT @DaveSeidel: @vuzhmusic I can imagine sounds that I can't make and can't hear. 18:57:21, 2013-04-13
- Whoa. Heavy oscillations. I need to do live improvisation a bit more often. 20:19:55, 2013-04-13
- @disquiet First I've heard of it. in reply to disquiet 20:21:20, 2013-04-13
- The lawn is percolating, sounds like a creaking ship: earthworms, pulling stuff down. It's probably warm underground. 20:33:45, 2013-04-13
- RT @tobiasreber: I have arrived in Denver after a gentle 21 hour journey. 21:26:09, 2013-04-13
- @tobiasreber Happy arrival! in reply to tobiasreber 21:26:24, 2013-04-13
- "It's a new type of bootleg sample mix, except you don't actually do anything to the song." 09:40:57, 2013-04-14
- RT @hansaarsman: News is bad for you. 09:45:03, 2013-04-14
- @lilianechlela Actually that looks like a discarded skin that was shed. in reply to lilianechlela 09:53:36, 2013-04-14
- Whoa, good article by @denverartmuseum staff blog on uncrating, condition reports & installing Georgia O'Keefe (cc: @newpractice) 10:05:46, 2013-04-14
- @grahamdunning Ah, Biota… local boys. Weird shit! in reply to grahamdunning 10:07:17, 2013-04-14
- RT @BrewCrewJess: I've chosen sounds from 6 different CC artists on @vuzhmusic's Derivative Netlabel list, so far … 10:10:55, 2013-04-14
- @BrewCrewJess Wooo! I can't wait to see what you do with this. in reply to BrewCrewJess 10:11:18, 2013-04-14
- RT @CityStarBrewing: Dead or Alive is now on tap! Double IPA 8.5% ABV, 110 IBU, brewed with Centennial, Columbus, Warrior… … 13:43:47, 2013-04-14
- @CityStarBrewing Fantastic batch of DoA. Heavy grapefruit character, numerable subflavors, walnut, poppyseed, chocolate, leather… in reply to CityStarBrewing 13:46:11, 2013-04-14
- RT @Gurdonark: The problem with digital doomsayers arises because so much boils down to a misplaced nostalgia for a time of a privilege … 14:33:06, 2013-04-14
- RT @Gurdonark: Make it cheap, make it hackable, and make it work with existing distros. 14:33:09, 2013-04-14
- Make the work. Document the work. Share the work. Are these equally important? 15:34:06, 2013-04-14
- @disquiet Repetition is a form of change. in reply to disquiet 15:51:27, 2013-04-14
- @c_a_harebell ha. in reply to c_a_harebell 16:05:37, 2013-04-14
- @mystery_bear That might be a good plan. Self-publishing artists… might end up with a burdensomely huge list though. in reply to mystery_bear 16:21:46, 2013-04-14
- @thedarklobster Yes. I'm thinking of documenting more as archiving than marketing. in reply to thedarklobster 16:22:27, 2013-04-14
- @mystery_bear hard to argue with that. I'll see if I can gather some up. in reply to mystery_bear 16:27:57, 2013-04-14
- RT @tobiasreber: new blog entry: Todmorden 513 concert in Denver, April 18 #tm513 16:32:57, 2013-04-14
- @mystery_bear Maybe a soundcloud group is the way to go? Maybe not. I think I'll just ask & see what comes up. I can add to it as I go. in reply to mystery_bear 16:40:52, 2013-04-14
- @mystery_bear Good point… people will still need to look for deriv-friendly licensing, but that's no different from labels. in reply to mystery_bear 16:44:22, 2013-04-14
- @Schemawound @mystery_bear Another good point. in reply to Schemawound 16:44:49, 2013-04-14
- @mystery_bear Yes, I think I'll just list the search page for CC (it took a bit of doing to find it) There is a button for 'free to modify' in reply to mystery_bear 16:51:39, 2013-04-14
- @mystery_bear Cool, good call. in reply to mystery_bear 16:58:42, 2013-04-14
- @mystery_bear Plus, the button choices show up in the URL so I can deep link to downloadable / free-to-modify searches. in reply to mystery_bear 16:59:48, 2013-04-14
- OK, some emails done, now dinner and more emails! 17:01:30, 2013-04-14
- @CityStarBrewing If you wanted to share those sounds you recorded, feel free to shoot me a DM w/ a dropbox link, or I can give you email in reply to CityStarBrewing 17:33:12, 2013-04-14
- @CityStarBrewing It's cool that you're listening to & recording sounds, this can be a very rewarding practice. in reply to CityStarBrewing 17:33:41, 2013-04-14
- @mystery_bear One of Carrie's favorite things is her auto-harp. I presume you've seen Marlo Eggplant? in reply to mystery_bear 17:34:22, 2013-04-14
- Thanks to @mystery_bear, the links page for now has a @soundcloud search for CC modifiable / downloadable tracks. 17:43:35, 2013-04-14
- @cinchel Har har, Just saw Richie Hawtin's tweet right after yours: in reply to cinchel 18:24:00, 2013-04-14
- @JulianSiniestro Cool. Looks like you've made the song private, though, so I can't access it! in reply to JulianSiniestro 18:34:38, 2013-04-14
- @JulianSiniestro It's no problem. It's somewhere in the settings of the song, you need to make it public. in reply to JulianSiniestro 18:43:00, 2013-04-14
- @JulianSiniestro You can edit the song's properties if you click the button with the pencil on it under the waveform. in reply to JulianSiniestro 18:43:29, 2013-04-14
- @JulianSiniestro No problem! It should look like this: Once you have it set public don't forget to press 'save' in reply to JulianSiniestro 18:55:42, 2013-04-14
- Wow. It doesn't matter how much you turn down the volume. This sound fucks w/ your ears. 19:20:57, 2013-04-14
- @JulianSiniestro You got it! — you'll get the hang of it. Cool sounds, playing now. in reply to JulianSiniestro 19:26:58, 2013-04-14
- RT @JulianSiniestro: @vuzhmusic It's hard to 'soundcloud' music… er… noise: 19:27:05, 2013-04-14
- c_a_harebell 20:13:52, 2013-04-14
- Hm. Perhaps I've lost the notes to my writing. 21:01:25, 2013-04-14
- Desperately, grindingly, pathetically unknown. 3 hours of remixes of someone no one's ever heard of: 22:16:53, 2013-04-14
- @MMFlint Why didn't a good guy with a gun stop him? in reply to MMFlint 06:52:12, 2013-04-15
- RT @steveburnett: RT @AbstractTruth: The best XKCD ever 06:55:54, 2013-04-15
- Plus: Snow! Minus: Insomnia. Maybe I can stay awake enough to drive safely to work. 07:10:58, 2013-04-15
- @jshell Fancy! A sleeper. Well, maybe we'll see you next year. in reply to jshell 16:55:21, 2013-04-15
- This claim that Americans all come together in a crisis is demonstratably false, if my Twitter feed is any indication. 17:42:36, 2013-04-15
- @jshell Understandable! Another time. Have a good trip! in reply to jshell 18:17:48, 2013-04-15
- RT @markusreuter: TM513 06:20:28, 2013-04-16
- @Schemawound Seeking something 'real' and 'authentic'. in reply to Schemawound 16:38:02, 2013-04-16
- @lilianechlela You fail the rapping beat-battle. in reply to lilianechlela 16:42:53, 2013-04-16
- RT @thedarklobster: I make art to figure how to be here. 16:43:30, 2013-04-16
- @norahlo I join your condemnation, and raise you all face makeup. in reply to norahlo 16:46:49, 2013-04-16
- Very tired of hearing people complain about the weather. 16:49:19, 2013-04-16
- @newpractice Colorado would lose a good teacher. in reply to newpractice 16:52:45, 2013-04-16
- @CityStarBrewing Congratulations! in reply to CityStarBrewing 16:59:42, 2013-04-16
- @mrdankelly ha ha! in reply to mrdankelly 17:05:59, 2013-04-16
- @cinchel Dude, go to this & tape it so I can hear the panel: So many opportunities in Chicago. 18:01:56, 2013-04-16
- Not like it has any import for me, or others in netlabel culture, but this still galls: Payola on SoundCloud: 18:06:05, 2013-04-16
- Actually, now I want to do this payola thing. Maybe I'll make a completely silent track, and get 40,000 plays. 18:14:32, 2013-04-16
- @JulianSiniestro My wallet is thinking for me, happily. in reply to JulianSiniestro 18:20:52, 2013-04-16
- I'm looking forward to attending the premiere of Todmorden 513 by @markusreuter on Thursday -free bandcamp version: 18:34:33, 2013-04-16