Encouraging Feedback on Audio Works

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Last week, I participated in a really interesting conversation with a number of friends & strangers on Twitter. The topics include feedback, the idea of value in free work, and the participatory role of the audience in the act of listening. A few very good suggestions came up that warrant thought by anyone interested in artist feedback.
This conversation is particularly notable because it is a positive exchange between the netlabel and the podfic communities. I’ve long felt that these two communities have a lot of similar goals and concerns, and have potential for creatively productive crossover.

Big thanks to @parakapodfic for getting this conversation up on Storify!


  1. Wonderful post by @vuzhmusic about listeners. http://t.co/EzwjCW7L2c Great point by @jinjurly on the value of the listener.

    TrackBack by dpnem | September 1, 2014 6:29 am
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