Mention in Disquiet Downstream
I was pleased to read today a nice write up of one of my tracks from the Electret Quintet 4 that I have posted on my SoundCloud page… Marc Weidenbaum writes:
…his sole instrument is an early analog drum machine, one called the TR-606, which was manufactured by the Roland corporation in the early 1980s. Reider milks the machine for all it is worth, and what’s remarkable about it isn’t just that he’s taken a tool of percussion and turned it into a tool for space music — all wandering echoes and hallucinated canyons — but how much, to fans of his other work, it is immediately of a piece with things he’s made on far different instruments on other sonic journeys he’s taken.
Read the entire article here:
Downstream, December 4, 2009
SoundCloud: Vuzh Does TR-606 Space Music