Post Tagged steam inspector

Steampunk Minus the Punk

Wednesday, 09 September 2010

Disquiet posted a review of Steam Inspector.

If the title summons up some Hayao Miyazaki vision of a homunculoid cartoon character making its way through a realm equal parts fantasy and dessication, you aren’t far off.

Read the entire review here

Steam Inspector

Thursday, 09 September 2009

Just released this week!
“Steam Inspector” by C. Reider

A lot of the stuff I do is really weird, but this one is just completely out there

Steam Inspector is a long form sound-collage which centers on rhythmic elements, mechanical and otherwise. It’s the sound of machines malfunctioning as the steam inspector him/herself runs tests with peculiar electronic equipment. Listen and make up your own story about what this piece of music is about.

Released this week on the stupendous Just Not Normal netlabel!

“Steam Inspector” preview tonight

Saturday, 08 August 2009

The new C. Reider recording “Steam Inspector” will be previewed tonight (Saturday August 22) on ‘Not the Normal Shit’ radio.
Most of you will be sound asleep, since in the US, the show airs smackdab in the middle of the night, but just in case check here for show times:

Tune in early, because the preview will be in the pre-show (and so will not be part of the archived podcast, if you want to hear it, you have to hear it when it airs!)

You can tune in by going to the Stillstream web page, where they have a streaming player.

If you can’t tune in, the release is scheduled for release on September 7 on the Just Not Normal netlabel.

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