Archive for the vuzh music news Category

Failing CD Player

Tuesday, 10 October 2013

I have a new release out on the Ideal State Label’s No Number Series. This series presents brief recordings of improv and composed music, all available as CC licensed, pay-what-you-want downloadable releases on BandCamp with extremely minimal cover art.

With this release I am exploring my idea of sound improvisation… exploring the boundary between documentation (a la field recording) and improv.

“failing CD player” is a hybrid improvisation / documentary recording of a malfunctioning CD player during the very final fourteen minutes of its malfunctioning. Once this recording was completed, it ceased operating on any level, whatsoever.

The recording features a four channel live-mix comprised of the 2 audio outs from the CD player, a contact mic taped just above where the CD spins on the player, and an induction coil held in my hand.

During this recording, I discovered that there was some effect on the spasming of the CD player caused by the position of my hands near the machine; once I discovered this, my hand motions were more dynamic and eccentric, and the output seemed more “expressive”, or perhaps at least “interactive”.

Listen and/or download at this link:

Also check out the rest of the releases on this fine label. I’ve chosen the No Number Series because I like the releases here, and I like the aesthetic and focus of the label.

MUME Selections

Saturday, 09 September 2013

There is a new album by Miquel Parera available at Vuzh Music for free download.

Among the things that have long interested me as an artist, and also as the manager of this netlabel, is how personal artistic style emerges. If the artist disengages from conscious activity during the creative act, how does the work still represent the artist? What is style? Does style occur in the subconscious? Where and how and when does style intertwine itself with action? In the case of Miquel Parera, and others working in this field, the use of automatic, random and algorithmic composition to remove recognizable stamp of the human composer still does not fully remove personality from the finished work, this collection of music is a fine example. This work sounds like Miquel Parera’s music, even as he attempts to remove his ego from the work.

Get MUME Selections here:

Flood update

Saturday, 09 September 2013

We still have no phone, estimated repair time is well into next week.

In the town we live in now, you’d almost not know anything was going on at all. We can now (I’m told) go North by I-25 and also by Wilson St. in Loveland.

I think we can go South by 287 and access some of Longmont.

We’ve stayed put for the last 2 days though. I heard on police scanner there was a helicopter crash just outside of town, but haven’t seen it on the news.

We’ve just heard from Carrie’s parents, her father hiked way up onto the mountain to find cellphone reception and called her aunt & emailed us. He said they’re dropping supplies in, but they have no phone, internet, electricity or water. At least they’re alive / safe.

The little stream in their backyard that’s normally about 6 feet across and under 12 inches deep was 70 yards across and 35 feet deep. Tore out a massive portion of their backyard, many trees gone. All bridges in town were destroyed but one. They’re evacuating anyone who wants to leave, but I think they’re staying put.

The news is that if they can get a generator up to the water plant, then residents will have water again.

Here is an hour long video taken by the Larimer Sheriff on a surveillance flight. Starts at Big Thompson Canyon. Clearly shows major mountain thoroughfares completely, totally, utterly destroyed. Almost everything shown in this video is very familiar to Carrie and I, this is the terrain where we grew up. We’ve been on these (now destroyed) roads tens of thousands of times.
Most of the beginning is the Big Thompson Canyon. I rode w/ my parents on this road at least 6 times per week when I was young. It’s destroyed now.
20 minutes in is my old town Estes Park, Carrie’s parents’ house is very clearly visible at 30 minutes in… at 35 minutes there’s an overflight of where Carrie & I lived for a decade during the 90s & 00s.

Colorado Flood

Friday, 09 September 2013

Status report:

Carrie and I are OK.
We live on high ground, and our home is not threatened by flood waters.
We are, however, stranded… road closures in every direction. Sheriff advises no travel on roads. We stayed home from work today, as there was no way to make it up there.
We have lost phone service, but have internet.

Dad & Dylan & Jordan & Ariel are OK, not impacted by flooding.

We haven’t heard from Carrie’s parents since the rain began. They live in Pinewood Springs. Phone service is cut off in that town.
Their property has the drainage stream right through it, and several dams just upstream from them are reported to have failed. Their house is well up-hill from it, so they’re ~probably~ ok…
We’re very worried.

Carrie’s brother and sister live in downtown Estes Park. Contact was made with her sister who sucessfully evacuated (with cats) her house, which was being inundated. They fled to another house downtown Estes. Unknown status now… phone service down in Estes Park.

Very worried about them.

My phone service is down, and internet is blinking off and on.

Hold Music: Tape of the Month

Sunday, 08 August 2013

“Hold Music” was given the honor of ‘Tape of the Month’ for August 2013 by Tabs Out Podcast.

Here’s some of what they had to say about it:

“Hold Music” is an even 10 tracks of serious mood music, mostly improvised pieces, with a couple of field recordings. The opener, The Old Way, is a deep-meditation of guttural oscillations and buzzing high-end clocking in at a fairly short four and a half minutes before the first field recording, Band at Fickel Park. Being that Reider is from Colorado, I assume this recording is from the Fickel Park in Berthoud, CO located at 620 Mountain Avenue. The Berthoud Parks & Recs website says they got a newly refurbished tennis court with lights, so be sure to check that out if you’re in the area. The field recording grips the sounds of birds, some wind tapeofthemonth_tapechimes, and ongoings in the distance. There doesn’t appear to be any manipulations done, just a pure recording of nature, and a nice transition piece from The Old Way to Print Room.

Check out the rest of what they had to say here:

Four Transformations

Sunday, 08 August 2013

A new release from Daniel Barbiero:

Four Transformations

This release is made from one improvisation on double bass processed four different ways through granular synthesis.

Free download.

Hold Music

Sunday, 08 August 2013

I have a new tape to trade with anyone who likes to trade stuff.

Contact me if you want to initiate a trade. It’s also for sale, for six bucks in the U.S., but I’d rather trade, frankly.


Tuesday, 07 July 2013

A new release at Derivative Netlabel (Deriv.CC).

“and…and…and…” is a compilation of 37 tracks by different artists, all interpreting the same 60 seconds sampled from C. Reider’s “The Conjuncts“, itself assembled from samples of Creative Commons remixably licensed music. Despite the limited set of source material, this is a surprisingly diverse set of glitchtronica, ambient and noise.

It’s free, and (of course) licensed to allow for remixing!

Get it here:
deriv004 – Various Artists – and…and…and… (Disquiet Junto derivations of The Conjuncts by C. Reider)

Wingu – Leo Bettinelli & Jaume Muntsant

Monday, 07 July 2013

A new release at Vuzh Music!

A beautiful longform piece of continually evolving and changing sounds. Begins quite abstract, and eventually moves more toward a lyrical musicality.

I really like this release, and I think you will too. It’s freely downloadable, and streamable here:

C. Reider guests on Music Manumit

Monday, 05 May 2013

I was invited to chat with Tom & Doug of the Music Manumit podcast. Their show revolves around the use of Creative Commons licensing in music and attendant issues such as technology & access.

We discussed a wide range of topics including most prominently: experimental music, listening, remixability, commerce, CC licensing, sound art, netlabels, cassette underground… plus more.

Listen to the whole thing. You can stream at their website or download by right clicking the mp3 link.

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