Post Tagged compilations

Processes of Other Artists

Sunday, 03 March 2011

The large compilation on Vuzh Music called “The More Unknown C. Reider” has been a very revealing way for me to observe the processes of some of the composers and artists that I count among my peers and comrades in the musical underground. How does a composer approach and utilize a sound? This question is very interesting to me. Each of the artists who contributed their work to the compilation were tasked with selecting sounds that I had authored over the course of my creative life and assembling them into new shapes & forms. Since the original sounds were so familiar to me, I had a unique perspective for attempting to understand how each artist chose which sounds to use and how to use them. This kind of analysis is fascinating to me, and is part of the way I listen to music in general, aside from pure holistic enjoyment.

A few of the contributing composers have made this analysis more accessible by having written some descriptions of their processes and thoughts about their own work. I’ve read each of these with consideration, and I recommend reading them!

Steve Burnett of Subscape Annex talks about working with the entire Drone Forest album .Point, on his cleverly titled “Qutub” which appears on part 3 of the compilation. He includes a screenshot of his multitracker during his working process at his LiveJournal post.

Perennial internet pal LokiLokust of Keziah Mason talks about how he forged that swirling electronic maelstrom that appears on part 3 of the compilation by extracting sounds from the run-in & run-out grooves and physical manipulation of my vinyl release “Amy’s Arms / metacollage” in his tumblr post.

Dave Seidel of Mysterybear described his use of a tiny fragment of Noam Chomsky’s voice from my 2008 release “Linguism” at a CSound forum.

John Ingram from Intelligent Machinery suggests that he secretly and pseudonymously contributed to the comp at his blog.

Comrade & peer Robert Nunnally, a.k.a. Gurdonark provides a thoughtful and accurate analysis of my music before discussing his own music and his piece “Where” on his blog.

A few quotes from that last one:

Perhaps the unifying thread of his varying music is that rather than being “music-as-sound” in the ambient formulation, it is “sound-as-music”. The sounds are interesting, and somehow, a bit improbably, they add up to music. His pieces rarely cause one to float away on a sea of melody, nor do they paste one against the wall in the way of noise. They happen in their own little created universe, aware of but not entombed in anyone else’s universe, and they are their own thing. I listen to C. Reider music for some of the same reasons I read science fiction–it offers me a kind of escape into different ideas, all served up with a kind of unpretentious earnest grace.

From his vantage point as a listener, Robert has gleaned some of my own working processes and goals and summarized them very astutely in this paragraph.

This kind of listening can be very rewarding. Are you listening?

The More Unknown

Saturday, 03 March 2011

The More Unknown C. Reider
20 Years of Strange Sounds Reworked by the Netlabel Underground

Twenty four respected sound artists from Germany, Japan, Greece, Saint Martin, Portugal, Ireland, Canada and USA took sounds from C. Reider’s body of work and transubstantiated them into new living tissues. Amazing compilation in three hour-long parts!

Remix Project Update

Tuesday, 01 January 2011

Remixes for my 20 year anniversary remix compilation are coming in!
There is still a month to get tracks ready for it!
Check out the details here if you are an underground / netlabel musician:

Japan’s minimal tech master Taisougao contributed the first beat-oriented track:

Vuzhmusic TB303+TR626 Psychedelic micro acid house mix fix by taisouegao

It’s pretty fucking great, as you can tell!

So far most of the remixes I’ve received concentrate more on the drone aspect of my work… this is awesome too, check out Mysterybear’s track:
Deep Structure (for C. Reider) by mysterybear


So far then, lots of kick ass drone stuff, a couple of keen noisy tracks and now I’ve got one good beat mix. All of these are important aspects of my work.

I do hope the Taisougao isn’t the only track to be rhythm oriented though! After all, some of the work on the Electret Quintet is the best stuff I’ve done, in my own opinion.

Protesting with Sighs instead of Shouts

Monday, 12 December 2010

Marc Weidenbaum of Disquiet, today released a compilation of “sonic activism” in protest of a dismissive ‘critique’ of Susan Philipsz work, and the fact of any sound artist winning the Turner Prize written by Richard Dorment, published in the Telegraph.

I was happy to have a brief piece included on the compilation… I have to say all of that music by a lot of artists that I admire, all based on the sound of sighs is pretty dreamy stuff. Great concept & execution!

I recommend reading Marc’s insightful description of the motivation for the compilation, and then downloading it, or streaming it. All of this can be done if you follow this link:

20 Years of Strange Sounds

Sunday, 11 November 2010

The year 2011 will be my 20th year composing strange music and releasing it mostly for free (previously I released on cassettes, now on the internet).

To mark this milestone, I kinda thought it’d be a fun thing to do to ask my comrades in underground music (whether you’re familiar with my music or not — whether we know each other or are not yet total BFFs) to extract sound samples from any of my releases over the last twenty years and tweak them however you like and re-assemble them into a musical work of your own invention. I’m looking less for “remixes” and more for imaginative and individual expressions made with collaged bits and chunks of my work (whether recognizable as such or not — in fact, manipulation, editing & effecting of source sounds is to be encouraged).

Most of my downloadable releases are CC licensed allowing derivative work, so you’re only limited by what you can think up. You can find links to almost everything I’ve ever done on my netlabel’s front page: A more comprehensive discography (including links to my work with Drone Forest) can be found on my bio page.

I guess this project is a bit like tooting my own horn, but what the hell? No one else will toot the damn thing. I may even just name the compilation “An All-Star Gala Tribute to the Enduring Genius of C. Reider” 🙂

I haven’t yet decided if that threat is a joke or not.


  • Compilation will be a free-to-download release on Vuzh Music netlabel. It will be CC licensed (probably Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike)
  • Submissions should be in high bitrate mp3 files (DON’T FORGET ID3 TAGS)
  • Send me a link to where I can download the file when you’ve got one ready. My email address can be found at the contact link at the Vuzh Music website. You could also direct message me on Twitter, you can find me there as vuzhmusic.
  • Keep your track(s?) under 10 minutes in length.
  • Hoping to release in early 2011. Deadline maybe February 1??? EXTENDED to February 11.
  • Everything is negotiable, including this sentence.
  • Leave me a comment here if you want to participate… unless you like surprises, in which case just get the track to me before the deadline!
  • Guys! I’m already thinking of extending the deadline, and no one’s even asked me yet!

Three New Releases

Saturday, 09 September 2010

There are three new releases to announce!

Just out today is a dark ambient epic, C. Reider & Desohll team up for “Falling Into Disrepair” out on the Dark Winter netlabel… very slow dark guitar drones to celebrate entropy and Autumn.
Click the link for the free release:

Out this week on Earth Mantra netlabel is a new release by Fosel called “Problem of Universals (C. Reider Remixes)”. Kurt Nimmo has produced some disorienting & spacious remixes of my Electret Quintet tracks. I think they’re great.
Click the link for the free release:

Finally, a compilation from Intelligent Machinery by way of the Just Not Normal netlabel, “Of Places and Moments” features 18 different compositions made using sound sources from Sighup’s site recordings. Many different takes, one unifying concept. I have a track called “Core Exit”, named after a popular oil dispersant.
Click the link for the free release:

Hope you enjoy these.

Compilation Appearances

Saturday, 08 August 2010

C. Reider has submitted a few tracks for some freely downloadable compilations:

Gone in 60 Seconds
— This is a collection of tracks, all of which are only one minute long. Brevity is good. I haven’t had a chance to play through all the tracks yet, but there are many good names, such as PBK, Pavonine, Big City Orchestra, ENE… I submitted a one minute long track by Drone Forest.

No-R-Mal II
— The follow up to the incredible compilation of a few years ago is longer and more incredible. This is SEVEN HOURS of underground goodness, right here. Burn this to an mp3 CDr and you’ve got enough underground goodness to last through an entire work-day. It could be argued that in the underground, there is a quantitative glut of musicians, but this compilation proves that while there is a high quantity, there is plenty of QUALITY out there too. I recommend this and its predecessor as perfect starters for the new fan of obscure music. I contributed an exclusive track called “Will Fall”. Many friends of mine, and artists that I respect populate this stellar comp.

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